Robert Mense Memorial

Robert Mense was very much the quiet achiever who left a good name and a path for others to follow.

Robert was clear headed, held strong values of fairness and justice for all which he embedded in his everyday life. He held strong views against violence and particularly violence against women.

Robert supported the less able and was a generous donor to causes to support people in need.

Robert was a proud Australian manufacturer of quality electrical products through his company Ampere Electrical Manufacturing Company. He was an icon in the industry, respected and trusted by many. He was a member of Standards Australia Electrical committees and the IEC.

Robert was involved in many professional and community activities including Scouting, Masonic Lodge , Not For profit Boards, Toorak Shule , B’nai B’rith among others.

Robert, despite living a very busy life was very much a loving husband to Beatrice, a devoted father to daughters Jessica and Caroline, an adoring grandfather to Stephanie and loving brother to Liz.

Home life was calm and happy with work in our garden and trips into the Australian country side.

Robert’s passing from duodenal cancer (part of the bowel ) is a huge loss to his family, and extended family but also to his friends and the wider community .

Cabrini has an extensive bowel cancer research and awareness program – Lets Beat Bowel Cancer lead by Professor Paul McMurrick in conjunction with Monash University.  To find out more about the research, go to

100% of all donations will support bowel cancer research at Cabrini.

If you choose to make a tax-deductible gift, you can opt out of any further correspondence from Cabrini on the donation form.

Out of the tragedy of Robert’s passing contributing to Cancer research is very much in line with supporting Robert’s values to give others a better chance of life.

To make an online donation click on ‘Give Now’ or if you would like to donate by phone, please contact Melissa Galbraith on 9508 1760