The Cabrini Society brings together generous supporters who have included a gift in their Will or left a bequest to Cabrini.
Cabrini Society members receive a Cabrini Society pin, exclusive updates and invitations to events including the annual Morning Tea event and the end of year luncheon. These events are hosted by our Chief Executive and Chairman to thank supporters for their commitment to the Cabrini mission.
In addition, Cabrini Society members have the option to have their name listed on honour boards on display at Cabrini Malvern to acknowledge and thank them for their support during their lifetime and into the future.
Thank you to the Cabrini Society members listed below as well as those that choose to remain anonymous.
"The establishment of the Cabrini Society recognises how much we truly value those people who have included a gift in their Will to Cabrini. Bequest gifts help us plan for the future and ensure that Cabrini can continue to provide the very best in compassionate care for our patients now and into the future.
Supporters who make these extraordinary gifts give heart to everything we do. The Cabrini Society gives us an opportunity to personally thank these supporters during their lifetime for the legacy that they are leaving."
Sue Williams, Chief Executive Cabrini Health
Cabrini Society members
We are incredibly grateful to those that have already chosen to leave a legacy to Cabrini. Their thoughtful and generous acts will continue to have a significant and positive effect for the patients and families in our care.
Remembering and honouring Cabrini Gift in Will supporters
On behalf of everyone at Cabrini, we are incredibly grateful to those who have left a Gift in their Will and for their generosity and commitment to the work of Cabrini Health. Their legacy is an investment in the health of future generations of Australians. We continue to remember and honour these generous supporters, including those who choose to remain anonymous.
If you would like further information about the Cabrini Society, please don’t hesitate to contact Sally Cane on 03 9508 1376 or email foundation@cabrini.com.au